My new haircut!
This is a keyboard we bought for $4o from a couple who doesn't use it. It was supposed to be for me...well, I haven't been able to touch it yet!
What a musician!
I created this treat for JJ while he was taking his chemistry test and put it on his pillow.
This is my work uniform. I work at the deli in the local grocery store.
This is little Lilia. JJ's sister's daughter. She is not even 24 hours old here yet!
Here is JJ practicing before he holds one of his own.
My brothers, husband and Sista! We are visiting the river walk in San Antonio
This is the biggest waterfall in the world! Only, there is no water. It dried up after the ice age.
Driving my In-laws's boat. I look hot here!
Really its nice and good looking your
blog. I am Robert from Bangladesh
this is my blog
many thanks
Hey Brittany! Cute blog. Looks like you two are doing well.
Cute blog Britt!! Happy you joined the blogging world. It keeps us connected too! Hopefully we can all know more of what is going on with you guys and you can know with us! Being newlyweds, we tend to keep to ourselves!! Let me know what you think of our cooking blog! I know you have some good recipes!
Hey Brit! Good to hear from you and see pictures! I will certainly add you to my blog list. Our blog is It's a great way to keep connected!
I had a dream last night you were pregnant!! Maybe its a sign!
I had a dream last night you were pregnant!! Maybe its a sign!
More posts please!!!
looks yummy!!! :) fun
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